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Home > Laureates > Jon KLEINBERG
2024 WLA Prize Laureates
The WLA Prize aims to recognize and support eminent researchers and technologists worldwide for their contributions to science.
For seminal contributions at the interface of computer science and social science including intellectual leadership in the fields of social networks and algorithmic fairness.
The 2024 WLA Prize Laureate in Computer Science or Mathematics

Tisch University Professor, Computer Science & Information Science
Cornell University

About the Laureate

Jon Kleinberg is the Tisch University Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Information Science at Cornell University, where he has served in roles including chair of the Department of Information Science and interim dean of Computing and Information Science. He received a PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 1996, and an AB in Computer Science and Mathematics from Cornell in 1993. His research focuses on the interaction of algorithms and networks, the roles they play in large-scale social and information systems, and their broader societal implications. His work has contributed to the foundations of several types of algorithms that are central to online platforms, including for ranking search results on the Web, recommending links in social networks, and identifying trending topics in social media. He has also contributed theoretical results on clustering and high-dimensional search, on path-finding and cascading behavior in large networks, and on notions of fairness and bias in algorithmic decision-making. He is the author of two books in these areas, "Algorithm Design" (with Eva Tardos) and "Networks, Crowds, and Markets" (with David Easley), and is currently writing a third book with Karen Levy based on their joint class, "Choices and Consequences in Computing". He is a member of the US National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and serves on the US National AI Advisory Committee. He is the recipient of MacArthur, Packard, Simons, Sloan, and Vannevar Bush research fellowships, as well awards including the Nevanlinna Prize, the Lanchester Prize, the Harvey Prize, the SIGKDD Innovation Award, the ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award, and the ACM Prize in Computing.


1996 Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1994 S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1993 A.B., Cornell University

Professional Experience

Cornell University
2009-present, Tisch University Professor, Computer Science & Information Science
2014-2015 & 2019-2020, Interim Dean, Computing and Information Science
2012-2014 & 2015-2016, Chair, Dept. of Information Science
2005-2009, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
2001-2005, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
1996-2001, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science

IBM Almaden Research Center
1998-2005, Member of External Faculty Program
1996-1997, Visiting Scientist

Major Awards and Honors

2006, Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, International Mathematical Union
2007, Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2008, Member, National Academy of Engineering
2009, ACM Prize in Computing, Association for Computing Machinery
2011, Member, National Academy of Sciences
2011, Frederick W. Lanchester Prize, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
2013, Harvey Prize, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
2014, ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award
2019, Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
2024, Member, American Philosophical Society

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